Our commitment to sustainability

We are committed to fulfilling our purpose in a way that is environmentally, socially and ethically responsible. We are making Diploma an even better, safer and fairer place to work and we are working with our colleagues, suppliers and customers to deliver against our net zero targets. Our businesses deliver positive impact through products and services that benefit our society or environment.

Our framework 

Delivering Value Responsibly is our sustainability framework and part of our strategy. It focuses on our people, the environment and doing business responsibly. By bringing our existing and acquired businesses onto this framework we are able to accelerate their progress in these areas. Through training and engaging our businesses and colleagues, we are able to align the entire organisation to our sustainability goals.

Our Sustainability Framework

Our Delivering Value Responsibly framework allows businesses to learn from each other and accelerate progress against our sustainability goals

2023 highlights

Colleague engagement

80 %

2022: 79%

Key Suppliers aligned to Supplier Code

73 %

2022: 59%

Emissions Intensity (Tonnes Per £1M Revenue)


2022: 7.4

Women in Senior Management Team Position

28 %

2022: 27%

Lost time incident rate (LTIS per 1,000 employees)


2022: 10.6

Waste to landfill

32 %

2022: 60%

Our Reporting

We are taking real, measurable action in ESG. Find out more about our commitments and initiatives.

Learn more
Doing Business Responsibly

Ensuring the highest standards of ethics, safety and conduct across our Group

Our Environment

We are committed to net zero and are positioning the Group for a lower-carbon economy.

Our People

We are building an engaged and diverse workforce, who can reach their full potential as part of Diploma