Building at scale at Windy City Wire

Windy City Wire, part of the Controls Sector, has cultivated a very high-performance culture with strong sales expertise.

Every colleague is clear on their objectives and job role, ensuring clarity and simplicity in a rapidly growing business.

Windy City Wire uses technology to improve efficiency. All of their performance metrics are available in real time, allowing them to set the right pace and course-correct as needed.

Windy City Wire

Delivering growth for the long term

Scaling means we are building bigger, better businesses whilst also preserving our decentralised culture. Scaling is a journey. It is carefully planned as part of our strategy, and it guarantees our delivery for the long term

Jill Tennant

Strategy Director

The business is currently investing in digital marketing and strengthening their online presence. This enables them to tell their story and strengthen their brand reputation.

All of this is supported by an innovative and highly automated facility, where customers often visit to learn more about Windy City Wire’s products.


Windy City Wire customer base


Distribution sites across the US

Windy City Wire also benefits from control over their own supply chain and a very well diversified customer base, with over 12,000 regular customers.

The business has a strong ‘hub & spoke’ operating model with a central facility in Illinois, supported by 19 distribution sites across the US.

Even as it scales, Windy City Wire’s service remains unwaveringly brilliant.


A sector with exciting end-market potential